Hardcore yarn for hardcore people
716sock: The ice is so slippery
716sock: Watching too many creature features
716sock: This is some bullshit!
716sock: The Unjust cancellation of Firefly
716sock: Denise spelled with a D not a C
716sock: In this life, there is nothing but possibilities
716sock: You can’t disappoint a picture
716sock: Every butt loves a rub
716sock: Remember to always be yourself…
716sock: 10 years of Fiber Fun!
716boom2: Somethingng about th mafia
716boom2: Aloof, detached, distant, Bjork
716boom2: Watching too many creature features
716boom2: Skanking Gourds
716pride: Alan Tudyk
716pride: Me and my new syphilis
716pride: People who don’t play pogs…
716pride: Denise spelled with a D and not a C
716pride: 20% Cooler
716knit Mystery Skein Pack (3 skeins)
Reserved for MLE
Reserved GC
Something About The Mafia on 716pride
Something About The Mafia on 716sock
Winning Friends... on 716pride
Knit Buffalo Truck Sticker
Knit Buffalo Mission Sticker
You Are Enough sticker